Euphorion's professional blog
This blog section will have a closer look at my professional fields of interest.
By writing these blog entries I will try to learn more about the industries I'm interested in. The sectors described here are the fields of interest where I would like to work after my studies.
Don't hesitate to write any comments about my posts and opinions. You can choose any category one the left. I'm looking forward to reading about your ideas concerning the different topics!!!
The Trojan Horse – brainwave or illegal weapon?

Everybody knows the Trojan Horse as the stroke of genius used by the Greek army to finally enter Troy during the Trojan War after 10 years of siege.
Decisive battles nowadays happen with every passing moment. But it’s not the ancient battleground. It’s in our economy where we can watch battles between companies every day. The question here is: How can you win these battles for more customers?
David Beckham – The Marketing Hydra?

Have you ever realized the relation between marketing and the Lernaean Hydra – the legendary figure of the Greek mythology? No? Neither have I.
But then I finally read an interesting article named “The Beckham Marketing Machine Rears Its Ugly Head” on the Internet. I don’t know why, but this exciting title made me immediately think about the Hydra, which inspired me to write this blog entry.
Now let’s find out why David Beckham, one of the most famous sportsmen ever, can be called a “monster”.
How to become King of his own castle?

Could you imagine owning your own castle? Wouldn’t that be great?
I’m not that arrogant to say that I will certainly own my own castle in the future. But if I cannot buy my own castle why not selling castles to other people.
To work in the real estate business always was some kind of perfect dream for me. And nowadays you see how powerful the real estate business can be since the real estate sector caused a worldwide depression.
How to promote a music-band

Besides sports and poetry music always was another passion for me. There were absolutely no musicians in my family but we had always a strong relationship to music.
Despite the fact that we were always music consumers and no creators we are able to distinguish between “good” and “bad” music. My father showed his favorite music to me, my brother did it the same way, and still today we can just listen to music and discuss it.
Do running shoes become obsolete?

If you have taken a quick look at my biography you might have noticed that sports always played a main role in my life. That’s why it is no wonder that I’m interested in all industries and sectors related to sports. Since I also have a passion for marketing I finally got the idea to do something in the field of sports marketing after my studies.
“Sports Fans, Blame Yourselves.”

”The system of compensation almost surely contributed in an important way to the crisis”
This quotation by Joseph E. Stiglitz, one of the most famous living economists, shows one general attitude towards executive pay all over the world.
Generally speaking the public opinion is that the payment system of executives in big companies, especially in banks, strongly contributed to the worldwide financial and economic crisis. But do they just get too much money or is the idea of paying executives with shares of the company they are working in just a “rotten apple” like many financial experts already warned before.
The average citizen just complains about the dizzy height of executive pay today. Why do they get so much money and do they really deserve it?
These are questions we can discuss for hours and many experts already did it for us. For this reason I would like to try another approach to that very serious topic.
Today’s top match… Ackermann vs. Ballack

I think that will be great match this evening. I’ll watch it with my colleagues in the tiny, funny pub near Kurfürstendamm. My father – one of the greatest soccer expert alive – told me that this will be THE soccer event of the year.
The betting agencies do not really show a favourite and I’m not able to give a business forecast.