How to become King of his own castle?

Could you imagine owning your own castle? Wouldn’t that be great?
I’m not that arrogant to say that I will certainly own my own castle in the future. But if I cannot buy my own castle why not selling castles to other people.
To work in the real estate business always was some kind of perfect dream for me. And nowadays you see how powerful the real estate business can be since the real estate sector caused a worldwide depression.
Luxury real estate: a dream becomes true
In order to get some exciting information about this business and the job opportunities in this branch I was searching for some useful blogs on the internet.
Finally I found a website named “Hot Real Estate Buzz” where you can find various articles and blogs about luxury real estate. It’s like the “land of milk and honey” for people who like castles, historical properties, mansions and so on.
On this webpage I found a very worthwhile blog about how to become a niche expert in the luxury real estate business.

A manual how to become a successful real estate marketing professional
The article published by Ron Seigel – a managing partner of Napa Consultants, the leading luxury real estate marketing firm – asserts that everybody is able to become a real estate marketing professional by means of specialization.
“For luxury real estate marketing professionals, the easiest way to become the market leader is to select a niche within your marketplace and become the expert in that niche.”
The author continues by pointing out
Three main steps to become a professional for luxury real estate marketing:
1.) Use niche marketing to select your own niche
2.) Finding the right niche for you
3.) Get started
In order to foster people to achieve these three steps, Mr. Seigel provides some additional information. He gives us a list about the different existing niches within the luxury real estate. There are some niches I never thought about for instance: golf properties and ski properties.
Further on he mentions some criteria for the second step: finding the right niche for you. Generally speaking it should be a niche of personal interest, which works well and where you can easily identify the opinion leaders.
From his point of view one way to get started is to create an own website about luxury real estate and to search for information in articles and blogs on the internet in order to
“demonstrats that you are a specialist in this niche”.
Do you think that this business is going to be a good branch to work in despite the whole subprime crisis? Feel free to write some comments about that!!!
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posted by Euphorion